Recently Adopted Französische Bulldogge Welpen Near Los Angeles
French Bulldog puppies
Available male and female blue french bulldog puppies . They are all 11 weeks weeks and we have 2 females and 1 male left. We look forward only for pet loving family to give these puppies to . For more details you can reach us via text/Call xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
French bulldog Puppies
These puppies were bred for perfection with short stature, lots of wrinkles, and muscular physique. We expect the remarkable qualities of the parents to pass on to their fur babies including good temperament, intelligence, amazing personalities, and robust health. We only have 1 male 2 female left. They are ready for their new homes. Our puppies come with health guarantee, sales contract, medical records including vaccinations. If you are interested please send us an email via xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail