Yorkshire-TerrierWelpenZum Verkauf | West Virginia Street, San Jose, CA #259428

Healthy Yorkie Pups

  • Yorkshire-Terrier Welpen

Male and female teacup Pups for adoption. They are up to date on shots and will come to their new family with everything they need to get off to a fantastic start. Microchip, training DVD, collar, toys, health records, vet checks and tons of love to xxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx

Geschrieben von  vtncent123
Anzeigen-ID  259428
Veröffentlicht  30+ Vor Tagen
Haustier  Welpen
Rasse  Yorkshire-Terrier
Ort  San Jose, Santa Clara County, California
Impressions  12
Das Haustier in dieser Auflistung hat sein endgültiges Zuhause gefunden
That’s all folks !!