Yorkshire-TerrierWelpenZum Verkauf | Washington, DC #418211

Yorkshire Trerrier Puppys for a new home

  • Yorkshire-Terrier Welpen

We are not breeders but soon after our Yorkshire Terrier became part of our family, we knew we wanted another of her. We chose an AKC registered sire, took all precaution with artificial insemination, x-ray and ultrasound monitoring and delivery by c section. We were blessed with ten beautiful healthy puppies! I have only one female left to place in a new home. contact Email: xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx Tex:+x(xxx)xxx-xxxx

Geschrieben von  greyp742
Anzeigen-ID  418211
Veröffentlicht  30+ Vor Tagen
Haustier  Welpen
Rasse  Yorkshire-Terrier
Ort  Washington, District of Columbia, District of Columbia
Preis  $800
Impressions  29
Das Haustier in dieser Auflistung hat sein endgültiges Zuhause gefunden
That’s all folks !!